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Black Volt 12" Crazy Horse "Custom" #3

Regular price $5,200.00
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Black Volt 12" Crazy Horse "Custom" #3
Regular price $5,200.00


Black Volt 12" Crazy Horse "Custom" #3 of 4

Entire Amp Constructed Completely By Hand and Hand Wired in Los Angeles CA

2 6V6 Power Tubes. No Re Biasing Required / Swap and Play
2 Dual Triode Pre Amp Tubes (12AX7 - 12AY7)
25-30 Watts of Class A Output Power Into 1 - 12" Speaker
Celestion G12M Creamback Speaker
Vintage Solid Pine Cabinetry with Hardwood Splined Miter Joints for Strength & Solid Wood Corner to Corner
Volume, Tone and Bright / Boost Switch / stock
XXX Gain Channel - This adds a Marshall Plexi voiced gain stage on top of the tweed style amp that gives glorious overdrive and distortion. This option is Chassis switchable and foot switchable for simple on/off while playing. Foot switch included. This channel adds a 3rd tube gain stage adding real tube drive and more harmonic content. Use it to get more drive at lower volumes by turning up the gain control and lowering the volume control. Also ads a gain control knob to the amp.
8 - 16 ohm 1/4" Speaker Output
"Rosie the Riveter" Grill Cloth